Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Graham Capital Management, L.P. and its affiliated companies process personal information. Privacy practices may vary among the countries in which we operate to reflect local practices and legal requirements.
For European Residents:
Please click here to view our Privacy Policy summarizing our policies with respect to personal information that we process of the following who are European natural persons: (i) clients and investors, (ii) the principals, beneficial owners and beneficiaries of clients and investors, and (iii) representatives of clients, investors and other businesses that we interact with (the “Data Subjects”).
For California Residents:
Please click here to view our Privacy Policy for California Residents that applies solely to California residents (“consumers” or “you”) who visit or use the Services of Graham Capital Management, L.P. We adopt this Notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this Notice.
For Investors in BVI funds managed by Graham Capital Management, L.P. (“GCM”):
Please click here to view our Privacy Policy that applies solely to investors in funds managed by GCM that are domiciled in the British Virgin Islands. We adopt this Notice to comply with the Data Protection Act, 2021 of the British Virgin Islands (“Data Protection Act”) and any terms defined in the Data Protection Act have the same meaning when used in this Notice.
For Job Applicants:
Please click here to view our Privacy Policy for Job Applicants that applies only to the personal data of job applicants and potential candidates for employment resident in the EU, the UK and California (“applicants”) that we collect and process in the course of our human resources operations, from submission of an application, throughout the course of an individual’s employment, and following employment.